It's been awhile, but LOI's It's Just a Little Crush dialogue series is back with hopes of being better than ever by rounding up some of the "great!" First up is someone that I have enormous respect for and can only hope to be half the blogger that she has turned out to be... Erin from Design for Mankind.
1. I don't know how to tie my shoes. Never really learned, and it's one of those things (I swear to this!) that, like riding bikes, become harder as an adult. I know it's ridiculous, and it's even more ridiculous when you see me try to tie them. I usually end up just stuffing them into my socks and go from there.
2. I'm incredibly low-maintenance. For Valentine's Day, the husband took me to Target for an all-beef hot dog and a slushie and let me pick out something from the 99 cent section (and I loved it!). Cheap date, right? Truly, I'm in heaven when it comes to the small things.
3. I've never eaten a Big Mac. Not that I'm opposed, just that I can never pass up the #2 meal. ;)
4. I haaaate shopping. More than anything in the world. If I don't buy it online, I won't buy it... ever. I don't know what I'd do w/out the Internet. I'm terribly anti-social, really.
5. Currently, I'm embarking on a craaaazy renovation with my husband. We bought an insane fixer-upper and I'm really so, so excited to share it with my readers. In April, I'll be re-designing Design for Mankind to make room for more... personal things. ;)
I recently did the math, and as it turns out, I spend about 80% of my week online. Sad, but very, very true. Writing keeps me pretty preoccupied (I write for AOL sites ShelterPop, Holidash, DIY Life and AOL Shopping full-time), as well as giving online businesses the push they need over at BAKERY (which I own with fellow blogger Jaime Derringer of Design Milk). When I'm not writing, I'm heading up AOL's social media efforts and working on side projects (at the moment this includes a very exciting book deal, still under wraps!).
So, that's a pretty round-about way of saying I'm a bit of a workaholic, but love what I do. And because I recently moved to such a small town, I haven't really made a lot of friendships to spend time with. Hopefully that will change, but for now, I'm living vicariously through my e-friends!
Hmm, let's see. I'm a bit of an Internet rodent, so I come across a new blog almost daily that I can't live with (same goes for designers and books!). At the moment, I'm really enjoying Liam Jeff Rubio's Tumblr (he has a great eye for design!) and, because I rarely see great design in men products.
As for books, I'm devouring anything from Sloane Crosley, b/c man, that girl is hilarious.
I don't have an iPod, b/c I swear I'm a neanderthal when it comes to technology (which is sad, as a blogger). BUT -- let's pretend we're talking Pandora, so I'd say:
K.T. Tunstall "Gone to the Dogs"/Beach Boys "God Only Knows"/Brandi Carlisle "The Story"
In love with? Feta cheese. Man, I put that stuff on everything.
Obsessed with? The color 'yellow.' I've always used mustard accents in my home, but have recently graduated to 'lemon yellow,' which is equally inspiring and will look smashing (as you'll soon see!) in my new kitchen!
Inspires me? Social media. I'm amazed at how valuable just one voice is in the grand scheme of things. It truly is an incredible force to be reckoned with.
Oh I'm full of advice for fellow bloggers! Here are a few things I'm really passionate about, although they're not super eloquent when written at 11pm... ;):
1. Write what you know. If you don't, you'll bore quickly, and without the knowledge to fall back on, you'll run the risk of growing tired of the research.
2. Make friends. Blogging is harder than it looks, and just b/c you're in your p.j.'s all day doesn't necessarily mean it's not work. It's always great to form a few allies that not only understand the tough times, but can pull you through and bounce ideas off of.
3. Ask for things. This is some new advice I gained from my fellow e-friend Maggie. Never be afraid to ask for what you want, b/c the folks that are front and center (speaking, blogging, writing) are the ones that asked to be. I think this applies to most things in life, but we tend to forget its importance.